So...clearly behind on my posting. Before I move on to what I've been up to in 2012, there's a few photos I just couldn't let slip through the cracks. Here's a quickie from 2011. As always, you can click on any of these photos for a closer look.
Where would be be without a random kitty photo? This is one of the 'twins'.
My mother and grandmother during a trip down to Grayton State Park in Florida. Got several good ones of them silhouetted by the water sparkling the in the Florida sunshine.
Here's a
couple of photos from my annual Icelandic Bonfire celebration. It's
based on a tradition in some communities in Iceland, where the town will
gather for New Year's Eve and start a bonfire with wrapping paper and old Christmas trees.
A visiting young opossum in the backyard. This isn't a very good photograph, but he's too adorable to leave out. Our littlest cat decided she could take him out, even though he was just a big as she was. Fortunately no animals were harmed during the making of this picture.
The rest of these photos were taken during October at Big Springs Park during the Huntsville Drum Circle meetings. Although I don't know half of them half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of them half as well as they deserve, it's still a fun time. Also, jugglers and fire workers, and belly dancers also gather to take advantage of the beat.
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