A snowy day in Huntsville! A few photos of the delicate snow and a few of the pets playing in it.
Snowy Ivy
A close up look at the ivy on the apple tree.
Snowy Ivy II Another visiting of the ivy.
Hute in the Snow
The black fur shows the flakes in the air very clearly. Taken just out of focus to emphasize the colors rather than the texture.
Winter Elements
This photo, however, is all about texture. The sharp leaves and the red berries against the soft snow and the chain link fence, cold and barren like winter.
Sky Dropping
The over-exposed sky brings out the white streaks of snow on the dark cedar branches.
Southern Snow
In contrast to most sharp branched evergreens, magnolias have large rounded leaves. Snow always looks perfect on magnolias, a symbol of the south.
Snow Day
Zakuro gets to play in the snow like every kid today.
The Hute and the Ivy
Two of the kittens, Hute and Takoda, play in the pond bed amonst the ivy. The title is a homage to the Christmas carol.
Out Back
Have a good snow day, Huntsvile, AL!